Monday, January 28, 2008

st. augustine

The Future is Now retreat has ended. I miss the VIPs already. I miss the energy. VIPs don't go to an event. VIPs work an event. Half of the attendees this year had their best year ever. Record breakers! What a wonderful feeling: the feeling of success.

During the past eight years I witnessed practice production trends. I mean, I REALLY watched production trends. I watched practices where production grew and practices where production declined. Here's what I know about production growth:

1) Production growth rarely happens by accident. If it does, it won't last long.
2) Record Breaking growth is very, very intentional. You must want to be a record breaker.
3) If you continuously strive to get better, you will be successful.
4) Successful people pay attention. They watch their goal like hawks. They know when they are on it and they know when they are away from it. They hunger for it.
4) Hungry people find a way and make a way. It's good to be hungry for success.

Maybe this isn't new news for for you, but it never hurts to be reminded.

January is almost over. How hungry are you?

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